Candlelight Stories

Free floating of 3,5 weeks has now passed. It has felt like diving at times also. Partly these weeks remind like a beginning of a longer vacation, but some aspects goes now more in to extreme. The first week went in a working mode, so real relaxing did not take place. The second week came and tiredness gathered during the couple of years started to crawl out from inside; I rested more and got only more tired. This is still not too unusual, but spooky feelings appear, when you get out of the bed in the afternoon, do the dishes from the breakfast at dusk and live a lot alone at a night, which is by the way a good time for writing in to a blog. In Finnish mid-winter there´s not too many hours of daylight to be wasted even in the south coast and I´m currently using most of it for sleeping. In the fourth week the sleeping rhythm is still half upside-down, but let it be, as long as there is a regular solid period of sleep.

The sleeping issue has been on the table for a couple of years, or actually ten years i.e. all my career in a small scale. I seem to be pretty sensitive to the stress and to any kind of distractions in life in terms of sleep. This is not the best feature in a hectic business work especially if it included also late hours, some travelling at awkward times and so on. Being constantly worried about getting enough sleep, having half of a nights between Sunday and Monday, going slightly crazy after not optimally rested Saturday-Sunday and waking up early ready to hit the road on Saturday morning after seeing excel tables in your dreams, is a point, where you should understand you are running in troubles. Maybe you sometimes, or even regularly use sleeping pills, which was something I did not want to take permanently in my life. So I left.

A couple of days ago I had a first time since leaving the office a few minute Skype call with my nice ex-team mate from Central Europe right after very nicely slept night waking up at 1pm. She asked laughing, ”Mr. Xxxx, did you just wake up!?” I just loved having that call, question and smile.After that I went directly out for a “morning run”, as it was extremely sunny and bright afternoon, which is rare here in North at this time of a year.

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